Title Services sector in Lithuania: labour productivity as a factor of growth /
Translation of Title Paslaugų sektoriaus plėtra Lietuvoje – darbo produktyvumas kaip augimo veiksnys.
Authors Žemgulienė, Jolanta
DOI 10.15388/Ekon.2008.17650
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Is Part of Ekonomika.. Vilnius. 2008, t. 81, p. 124-133.. ISSN 1392-1258
Abstract [eng] The paper provides an interpretation of the Verdoorn law of empirical regularities in the relationship between cross-sectorial labour productivity growth rate and value added growth rate. The Verdoorn– Kaldor relationship between the growth of labour productivity and the growth of output has been assessed. Results of linear regressions show a statistically significant relationship and constant returns to scale for various industries. Constant returns to scale reflect substantial cross-sectorial externalities, therefore growth rate disparities among various sectors of economy cannot be explained by disparities in return to scale as the Verdoorn–Kaldor law implies.
Published Vilnius
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2008
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