Title Diet in early Lithuanian prehistory and the new stable isotope evidence /
Translation of Title Mityba Lietuvos ankstyvojoje priešistorėje ir nauji stabiliųjų izotopų duomenys.
Authors Antanaitis-Jacobs, Indrė ; Richards, Mike ; Daugnora, Linas ; Jankauskas, Rimantas ; Ogrinc, Nives
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Is Part of Archaeologia Baltica.. Klaipėda : Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla. 2009, t. 12, p. 12-30.. ISSN 1392-5520. eISSN 2351-6534
Keywords [eng] stable isotopes ; palaeodiet ; Stone Age ; Bronze Age ; Lithuania ; East Baltic ; Corded Ware Culture
Abstract [eng] This article reviews current scientific evidence of food resources exploited in the Lithuanian Stone and Bronze Ages and presents the new direct, biochemical stable isotope evidence. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were performed on 75 Stone and Bronze Age animal bone samples and 23 human bone samples. We discuss how the obtained values relate to diet and other evidence of diet, compare the obtained values with regional stable isotope data, and consider sociocultural implications.
Published Klaipėda : Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2009
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