Title Nusikalstamumo sampratos dilema /
Translation of Title The dilemma of the concept of criminality.
Authors Sakalauskas, Gintautas
DOI 10.15388/STEPP.2009.0.5272
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Is Part of STEPP : socialinė teorija, empirija, politika ir praktika / Vilniaus universiteto Specialiosios psichologijos laboratorija.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2009, nr. 5, p. 123-132.. ISSN 1648-2425
Keywords [eng] concept of criminality ; ideology ; constructivism ; Soviet Union ; Western countries
Abstract [eng] The article discusses the dilemma of the concept of criminality and it's different reflections in Western and Soviet ideology. It is noted that the difference in these reflections still affects the understanding of the concept in countries with different historical background. Moreover, it heavily affects the understanding of criminality as phenomena as well as ideology of the crime prevention and control. Soviet tradition is characterised by an attempt to define criminality as precise as possible and to outline all its features. Soviet tradition has formed the concept that criminality is objective phenomena that causes a permanent threat to society that is why it shall be permanent!) ,,fought". Western tradition pays much less attention to the definition of the concept, it limits itself by presentation of various theories of criminology as well as description of manifestations of criminal activity. Criminality can be compared to fashion, i. e. the phenomena that has no precise meaning, it comes from nowhere and it disappears into nowhere. However, it exists. Moreover, in a time of different crises it is fashionable to write and speak about the criminality without taking into consideration of concept's ambiguity.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009
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