Title Tomo Sodeikos nihilizmas /
Translation of Title Nihilism of Tomas Sodeika.
Authors Šerpytytė, Rita
DOI 10.15388/Relig.2008.2.2785
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Is Part of Religija ir kultūra.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2008, t. 5, Nr. 2, p. 8-14.. ISSN 1822-4539. eISSN 1822-4571
Keywords [eng] thinking ; reality ; nihilism ; Tomas Sodeika
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the thinking of the most famous and original Lithuanian philosopher's -Tomas Sodeika. The question - what does this thinking conclude and which place in the landscape of Lithuanian philosophical thought it take up? — is being analysed. The article demonstrates, that reality "becomes" the main and unique "theme" of Tomas Sodeika textes. By interpreting these textes, the fundamental non-identitness and non-commonality between text (textual level) and reality and it's nihilistic character as well, as the main insight of Sodeikas' textes, is being disclosed.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2008
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