Title Pirmieji psichologo karjeros žingsniai: su išsilavinimu siejami lūkesčiai /
Translation of Title Beginning of a psychologist’s professional carrier: expectations regarding education.
Authors Lepeškienė, Vitalija ; Bulotaitė, Laimutė
DOI 10.15388/Psichol.2010.0.2578
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Is Part of Psichologija / Vilniaus universitetas.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2010, t. 41, p. 68-83.. ISSN 1392-0359
Keywords [eng] Psychologists’ professional carrier ; Q-sort method
Abstract [eng] Thus, the research revealed different expectations of the students regarding the influence of the studies. A rather substantial percentage of freshmen students expect the studies to help clarify their motifs, resolve inner contradictions, help in the process of personal growth and change in desired direction. Some students have unrealistic expectations regarding the possibility to separate personal and professional life. In order to help the students meet their expectations, the program of training future psychologists must be reoriented so that the students not only could acquire knowledge and skills, but also expand their self-awareness.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010
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