Title Filosofijos originalumas ir originalumas filosofijoje: Lietuva ir pasaulis /
Translation of Title Originality of and in philosophy: Lithuania and the world.
Authors Šaulauskas, Marius Povilas
DOI 10.15388/Problemos.2010.0.1355
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Is Part of Problemos / Vilniaus universitetas.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2010, t. 78, p. 22-30.. ISSN 1392-1126
Keywords [eng] Originality ; Metaphilosphy ; Specificity of philosophy ; Western philosophy ; Lithuanian philosophy
Abstract [eng] The search after the specificity of original Western philosophy lies at the bottom of the metaphilosophical debate from its very incipience. In the last century, given the rapid and overwhelming proliferation of variated philosophical discourses and growing multitudes of professionals, we also face another formulation of the old question. It pertains to the originality within our philosophical tradition, and perhaps it also determines the value of these many proliferations itself. Thus, first, the article claims that originality of philosophy should be carefully distinguished from originality in philosophy, i.e. that we should draw a line between originality of the definite conceptual praxis and the individual or collective originality of a concrete way it is cultivated. Second, originality in philosophy is constituted by the basic characteristics of the originality of philosophy, which are posited as a twofold imperative of questioning foundationism and apodictic recursiveness. Third, the perplexing abundance of originality criteria could be reduced by the principle of authentic and appropriate participation in the available philosophical discourse, even though this principle itself cannot be applied univocally and settled once for all. From this perspective, the originality of Llithuanian, like of any other, national Western philosophy consists not in its deviance from the traditional mode of discourse, but in its potential to partake in it both authentically, i.e. openly and sincerely, and appropriately, i.e. in a strict correspondence with the basic imperatives of the still ongoing discursive praxis.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010
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