Title Anti-inflammatory effects of Aesculus hippocastanum L. tincture and the pro-/antioxidant bodily state of rats with adjuvant arthritis /
Translation of Title Aesculus hippocastanum L. tinktūros priešuždegiminis poveikis ir žiurkių, sergančių adjuvantiniu artritu, pro- /antioksidacinė organizmo būklė.
Authors Vasiliauskas, Audrius ; Leonavičienė, Laima ; Vaitkienė, Dalia ; Bradūnaitė, Rūta ; Lukšienė, Aloyza
DOI 10.15388/amed.2010.21685
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Is Part of Acta medica Lituanica.. Vilnius : Lietuvos mokslų akademija. 2010, vol. 17, no. 3-4, p. 123-132.. ISSN 1392-0138
Keywords [eng] eats ; cadjuvant arthritis ; pro-/antioxidant activity ; herbal tincture
Abstract [eng] A lower MDA level and statistically significant AOA in female rats with AA were observed. Although the treatment lowered the MDA level and increased CAT activity in animals of both sexes, a significant difference remained between males and females: the latter showed a lower level of MDA and a higher CAT activity. Development of AA significantly increased the MDA level and decreased CAT activity, but only slightly affected SOD and AOA activity in gastric tissue homogenates. Their incubation with AH tincture had a positive effect, especially in female rats in which a significant decrease of MDA and a higher CAT activity were found in arthritic rats and elevated SOD activity in healthy rats. However, the pro-/antioxidant status of gastric tissue homogenates did not significantly differ between male and female rats. Conclusions. The results of the study clearly indicate that AH may be beneficial due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects. The best effect was shown by the middle dose in female rats with AA. The in vivo anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of the herbal tincture may be the promising features for its prospective use as supplementary therapy beside the conventional treatment.
Published Vilnius : Lietuvos mokslų akademija
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2010
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