Title |
Vaisiaus uždegiminio atsako sindromo įtaka neišnešioto naujagimio psichomotorinei raidai atskirais kūdikystės laikotarpiais / |
Translation of Title |
The effect of fetal inflammatory response syndrome to psychomotor evolution of preterm newborns in different staces of their early development. |
Authors |
Pilypienė, Ingrida ; Drazdienė, Nijolė ; Dumalakienė, Irena ; Vezbergienė, Nijolė ; Bartkevičienė, Daiva ; Šilkūnas, Mindaugas |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Sveikatos mokslai / Sveikatos apsaugos ministerija.. Vilnius : Sveikata. 2011, nr. 1, p. 3860-3868.. ISSN 1392-6373 |
Keywords [eng] |
Preterm delivery ; Intrauterine infection ; Cytokines ; Fetal inflammatory response ; Periventricular leukamalacia |
Abstract [eng] |
Intrauterine infection may induce fetal infectian and inflammation as weil as initiate the retal inflammatary response that is defined as retal inflammatary response syndrame (FIRS). FIRS could be the cause of heavy retal injuries and create health disarders for the preterms such as cerebral paralysis and chronic lung disease. Microoarganisms and their isolated substances induce fetal mononucleer cells to produce inflammatory markers, i.e. cytokines and chemokines possessing the ability to increase the permeability of hematoencephafic barrier; to induce the injury of oligodendrocytes and destroy the production of myelin. Newboms with the diagnosed PVL were faund to have the increased amounts of TNF-α, 1L-6, IL-β and IL-2 in their white matter. Because of the damage of the brain white matter the following disorders in the development of the child could occur: limited environmental cognition, behavioural disorders, distorted image perception or cerebrel paralysis. The detection of inflammatory markers in fetal blood could help to elucidate the causes of these disorders. The aim of this study was to investigete and assess the effect of FIRS for the psychomotor evolution of 6 and 12 months preterms and to define the risk of retardation in their development. |
Published |
Vilnius : Sveikata |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2011 |