Title |
Длительность фазы взрыва согласного и палатализация: звонкие смычные согласныев речи носителей русского языка в Литве / |
Translation of Title |
Duration of the explosive phase of the consonants and palatalization: voiced occlusive consonants in the speech of native Russian speakers in Lithuania. |
Translation of Title |
Sprogstamųjų priebalsių sprogimo fazės trukmė ir palatalizacija: skardieji sprogstamieji priebalsiai Lietuvos rusakalbių tartyje. |
Authors |
Balšaitytė, Danutė |
10.15388/Verb.2010.1.4935 |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Verbum.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2010, t. 1, p. 17-26.. ISSN 2029-6223 |
Keywords [eng] |
Occlusive consonants (stops) ; Palatalization ; Duration of explosive phase ; Phonetic realization ; Native Russian speakers in Lithuania |
Abstract [eng] |
The article focuses on one of the ways of phonetic expression of the differential hardness-softness feature of consonants, i. e., the increase in the duration of the explosive phase of explosive consonants in the speech of native Russian speakers in Lithuania. The hardness-softness opposition is one of the most important consonant oppositions in modem Russian and Lithuanian languages, however, Russian and Lithuanian explosive consonants differ in their acoustic correlates of palatalisation. In the Russian language, palatalization has an impact on the way explosive consonants are pronounced; as the duration of the explosive phase of the soft consonant increases the explosion turns into blowing. In Lithuanian, the explosive phase of the palatalized consonants in different positions (before vowels of different qualities) may be longer or shorter compared to the explosive phase of the hard consonants, or it may coincide with the explosion of the hard consonant respectively. The results of the spectral analysis revealed several deviations from the norms of Russian in the speech of bilinguals; the deviations were a result of the interaction between the phonetic systems of the two languages. In the speech of native speakers of Russian in Lithuania, the regular soft stop [d'] is characterized by the most regular and strong affrication, as in standard Russian, but the most strong affrication of [d'] is in the position before the back- tongued vowel [o], as in standard Lithuanian... |
Published |
Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Russian |
Publication date |
2010 |
CC license |