Title "Falsi amici" nella lingua lituana e italiana: uno studio statistico tra gli apprendenti della lingua italiana /
Translation of Title "False friends" in the Lithuanian and Italian languages: a statistical study carried out with the learners of Italian.
Translation of Title "Tariami draugai" lietuvių ir italų kalbose: italų kalbą studijuojančių studentų statistinė studija.
Authors Pavan, Luca
DOI 10.15388/Verb.2010.1.4945
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Is Part of Verbum.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2010, t. 1, p. 106-113.. ISSN 2029-6223
Keywords [eng] "False friends" ; "True friends" ; Translation ; Statistics
Abstract [eng] The advanced level students seemed to be more experienced in dealing with the possible anomalies between different languages, even when being ignorant of the "false friends" problem. However, none of the learners (of whatever language proficiency level) escaped mistakes in translation of "false friends', especially in respect of some words widely used in the spoken language. The problem of "false friends" was identified in all the Italian language learning levels. According to the survey results it might be useful to provide students with the list of "false friends". It will minimise the problem with translation and understanding.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Italian
Publication date 2010
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