Title Politikos žurnalistika. Lietuvos žiniasklaidos elito nuomonių analizė /
Translation of Title Political journalism: opinion survey of the Lithuanian media elite.
Authors Donauskaitė, Džina
DOI 10.15388/zt/jr.2010.3.60
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Is Part of Žurnalistikos tyrimai.. Vilnius : Baltijos kopija. 2010, nr. 3, p. 53-78.. ISSN 2029-1132
Keywords [eng] Political journalism ; Lithuanian media elite ; media autonomy
Abstract [eng] Each of these three positions compete: agents of the second and third positions accuse those of the first position of violating the autonomy principles of political and journalistic fields; the third position perceives civic journalism as non-objective journalism. However, the latter two positions more often become allies rather than opponents in the fight of the field of political journalism to preserve field autonomy.
Published Vilnius : Baltijos kopija
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010
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