Title Vientisos kultūros paveldo skaitmeninės aplinkos kūrimas: standartizacijos aspektas /
Translation of Title Standardization dimension in building an integrated digital cultural heritage environment.
Authors Bliūdžiuvienė, Nijolė
DOI 10.15388/kn.v57i0.1483
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Is Part of Knygotyra / Vilniaus universitetas.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2011, t. 57, p. 190-206.. ISSN 0204-2061
Abstract [eng] The evaluation of standardization in the context of Lithuanian memory institutions highlights the experience and achievements against the background of the cultural and standardized integration. The substantial transformation of LST/TC 47 “Information and documentation” coincided with grand projections for cultural heritage digitization undertaken by memory institutions at the initial stages of implementing the project “Creation of the Integrated Virtual Library Information System”. The international, European and national standards, as well as other normative documents invoked in creating this information system, facilitated setting up the digital cultural heritage databank available on the Website epaveldas.lt. This innovative project was of vital importance for the national cultural policy, because significant legal acts regulating the aims, goals and methods of digitization at memory institutions participating in the creation of the integrated interaction-based system of cultural heritage had been adopted. From the viewpoint of standardization, the methodology for the interaction of archives, libraries and museums is based on a legal act dealing with the application of standards, which obliges the project partners to apply shared national standards and normative documents for the description of digital and data content, metadata coding, the preservation (archiving) of data and creation of the digital content.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011
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