Title Membrane connectivity estimated by digital image analysis of HER2 immunohistochemistry is concordant with visual scoring and fluorescence in situ hybridization results: algorithm evaluation on breast cancer tissue microarrays /
Authors Laurinavičienė, Aida ; Dasevičius, Darius ; Ostapenko, Valerijus ; Jarmalaitė, Sonata ; Lazutka, Juozas Rimantas ; Laurinavičius, Arvydas
DOI 10.1186/1746-1596-6-87
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Is Part of Diagnostic pathology.. London : BioMed Central. 2011, vol. 6, Art. no 87[p. 1-10].. ISSN 1746-1596
Keywords [eng] Quantitative analysis ; Chromosome-17 ; Expression ; Carcinomas ; Reproducibility ; Pathology ; Polysomy
Abstract [eng] The DA continuous variable of the membrane connectivity correlated with the FISH data (HER2 and CEP17 copy numbers, and HER2/CEP17 ratio). Conclusion: HER2 IHC digital image analysis based on membrane connectivity estimate was in almost perfect agreement with the visual evaluation of the pathologist and more accurate in detection of HER2 FISH-positive patients. Most immediate benefit of integrating the DA algorithm into the routine pathology HER2 testing may be obtained by alerting/reassuring pathologists of potentially misinterpreted IHC 0/1+ versus 2+ cases.
Published London : BioMed Central
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2011