Title Pasikeitimų informacinių technologijų valstybiniame brandos egzamine analizė /
Translation of Title Analysis of changes in the national maturity IT exam.
Authors Skūpas, Bronius
DOI 10.15388/Im.2011.0.3131
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Is Part of Informacijos mokslai / Vilniaus universitetas.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2011, t. 57, p. 115-123.. ISSN 1392-0561
Abstract [eng] The national maturity IT exam was changed in 2011 by adding the possibility to use C and C++ programming languages in practical assignments. Before 2011, it was possible to use only the Pascal programming language. This change leads to wide possibilities for students and involves great changes in the evaluation process as well. The semi-automatic evaluation system must be changed accordingly, and more attention to the selection of tasks, tests and even evaluators must be given. The author analyses the necessary changes in the evaluation process and system. He predicts the possible problems, analyses them and provides their possible solutions. The first exam of this style took place on 3 June 2011. Its results are compared with the prognosis.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011
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