Title |
Savižudiško elgesio paplitimas pagal lytį ir amžių Vilniaus mieste / |
Translation of Title |
Prevalence of suicidal behaviour in vilnius accor¬ding to age and gender. |
Authors |
Navickas, Alvydas ; Hilbig, Jan ; Danilevičiūtė, Vita ; Dembinskas, Algirdas ; Glebovas, Sergejus |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Sveikatos mokslai / Sveikatos apsaugos ministerija.. Vilnius : Sveikata. 2012, vol. 22, nr. 2, p. 55-60.. ISSN 1392-6373 |
Keywords [eng] |
Suicidal behaviour ; Suicidal intent and attempt ; Suicide ; Relation of suicide attempts and completed suicides ; Age-groups |
Abstract [eng] |
Although the high and only slowly decreasing level of suicide rates in Lithuania is well known, little data has been gathered about the prevalence and character of suicide intents and attempts. However such knowledge is imperative when seeking to implement efficient measures of prevention and treatment for patients intending or attempting to commit a suicide. In this paper, one year`s data on suicidal behavior, patients` characteristics and the location of follow-up treatment gathered by the emergency medical service in the municipality of Vilnius was analised with respect to age and gender. In 2007 Emergency medical service was called 815 times (146.8 per 100 000 inhabitants) because of suicidal behaviour in general, of which 734 (132.2 per 100 000 inhabitants) cases where due to suicidal intent or attempt and 81 (14.6 per 100 000 inhabitants) due to completed suicide. A detailed analysis of suicidal behaviour according to suicide form, gender and age is presented. Based on these findings the possible extend of prevention services required is discussed. Conclusions: 1. Suicidal behaviour of males and females in Vilnius is similar. 2. Highest prevalence of suicidal behaviour was found to be amongst young citizens: 19 to 34 year old males and 10-18 year old females. 3. Forms of suicidal behaviour in Vilnius differ significantly depending on age: suicide intents and attempts prevail amongst younger citizens while suicidal behaviour becomes more dangerous and lethal at a higher age. 4. Male gender is an important factor connected to higher lethality of suicidal behaviour. 5. Of all resources set aside for suicide prevention 10.3% should be allocated to services for children and teenagers, 81.5% to adult facilities and 8.2% to services for the elderly. |
Published |
Vilnius : Sveikata |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2012 |