Title Sąjūdžio spaudos paveldas Lietuvoje /
Another Title Printed heritage collections of the reform movement Sąjūdis in Lithuania.
Authors Jankauskaitė, Vaida
DOI 10.15388/kn.v59i0.1108
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Is Part of Knygotyra.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2012, t. 59, p. 73-92.. ISSN 0204-2061. eISSN 2345-0053
Abstract [eng] The dominant donors of the Sąjūdis printed heritage were the staff, members of Sąjūdis, historians, journalists and other persons who realized the necessity of keeping this heritage. The largest collection, according to the title number, belongs to the private collector (bibliophile) Žilvinas Januška. Personal collections, because of their methodical and purposeful retrospective formation, have more titles than the institutional ones. The biggest collection according to the number of copies belongs to the Vilnius University Library. However, there are 10 per cent of unidentified and lost titles of the Sąjūdis printed heritage. There is a possibility to find more of them in Lithuania. Sąjūdis press contains materials of different periods, this fact endangers this heritage to disappear if not conserving it. This heritage is in good condition in Lithuanian museums and in worse condition in the archives, especially in libraries. In conclusion, Lithuanian memory institutions have to fulfil their mission and to preserve the printed heritage of Sąjūdis better.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012
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