Title „Nėr vardo tinkamo, yra tik jausmas...“ /
Another Title “I have no mame for that! feeling is all in all...”.
Authors Sodeika, Tomas
DOI 10.15388/Relig.2012.0.2738
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Is Part of Religija ir kultūra.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2012, t. 10, p. 80-104.. ISSN 1822-4539. eISSN 1822-4571
Keywords [eng] feeling ; religion ; Schleiermacher ; self-consciousness ; phenomenology
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the concept of feeling by Friedrich Schleiermacher. Aiming to reestablish the privileges of religion, violated by the secular culture of the Enlightenment, Schleiermacher tries to defend the rights of feeling debased by the modern rationalism. He denies that religion is a form of knowledge or morality. To Schleiermacher, religion cannot be based on morality nor on metaphysics or science. According to him, the essence of religion is neither thinking nor acting, but the feeling or, more specifically, feeling of absolute dependence. Such form of inner experience Schleiermacher identifies as immediate self-consciousness. Supposed that Schleiermacher’s texts can be treated as phenomenological descriptions in the Husserlian sense, the article deals with the ways of representating the ontological structure of the immediate self-consciousness in those texts.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012
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