Title Agrarinių reformų Pirmojoje ir Antrojoje Lietuvos Respublikose lyginamoji istorinė sociologinė analizė /
Another Title Comparative historical sociological analysis of agrarian reforms in the first and the second republic of Lithuania.
Authors Norkus, Zenonas
DOI 10.15388/SocMintVei.2012.1.400
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Is Part of Sociologija: mintis ir veiksmas.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2012, Nr. 1, p. 5-52.. ISSN 1392-3358. eISSN 2335-8890
Keywords [eng] Land reform in Lithuania in 1922 ; Post-communist agrarian reform ir Lithuania ; Repressive control of labour ; International comparison of the interwar and post-communist agrarian reforms
Abstract [eng] Most of these residual estates went bankrupt and were sold in parts at auctions, while some of the survived becoming competitive agricultural enterprises. Similarly, most efficient partnerships survived, expanded and became competitive large-scale corporate capitalist agricultural enterprises. The economic outcomes of the interwar reform are superior to those of post-communist reform: after the first reform, both the general agricultural output and the productivity increased, while both indicators decreased during the first decade of the post-communist agrarian reform. Ex-communist Left in Lithuania promoted moderate agrarian reform, involving transformation of collective farms into the private corporate capitalist agricultural companies. The author argues that such reform would not be able to prevent the reduction in output, because the output as of in 1989 was possible only under economic hothouse conditions of the late Soviet time for agriculture (lavish subsidies, unlimited demand, „price scissors“ favouring agriculture). However, most probably, a more gradual reform would help to increase the agricultural productivity already during its first decade. After Lithuania was accepted to EU and its agriculture is in the „economic hothouse“ again, the agricultural activites cannot be assessed only by economic criteria alone. If the outcomes of the post-communist agrarian reform are assessed by values of ecology, they are very positive indeed.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012
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