Abstract [eng] |
The article analyzes the religious polemics of the evangelical reformer Andreas Volanus (about 1531 –1610) with non-Trinitarians in the second half of the sixteenth century. Three of A. Volanus’ writings: Epistola ad reverendissimum dominum Nicolaum Pacium Episcopum Kiioviensem ab Andrea Volano scripta, explicans controversiam his temporibus de S[ancta] Trinitate motam, ostendensq[ue] Patrem, Filium et Spiritum sanctum ut unius eiusdemq[ue] naturae sive essentiae, sic recte unum Deum dici, ad evitandam pluralitatem Deorum (1566), PARAENESIS ANDREAE VOLANI, AD OMNES IN REGNO POLONIAE MAGNOQUE DUCATU LITUANIAE, Samosatenianae vel Ebioniticae doctrinae professores: Eiusdemq[ue] ad nova Ebionitarum contra Paraenesin obiecta, Responsio (1582) and EPISTOLAE ALIQUOT AD REFELLENDUM DOCTRINAE SAMOSATINIAnae errorem, ad astruendam Orthodoxam de Divina Trinitate sententiam, hoc tempore lectu non inutiles (1592) have been chosen as the working material. The author concludes that A. Volanus deconstructed the non-Trinitarian concept and substantiated the anti-Christianity of the radical Reformation tendency. He also contended that the Lithuanian Evangelical Reform is identical to the Swiss doctrine (Confessio helvetica posterior, 1566) and strengthened orthodoxy. |