Title "Debesų" technologijos šiuolaikinėje bibliotekoje. Elektroninės skaityklos /
Another Title Cloud computing in modern library. Digital reading room.
Authors Pečeliūnaitė, Angelė
DOI 10.15388/Im.2013.0.1597
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Is Part of Informacijos mokslai / Vilniaus universitetas.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2013, t. 64, p. 113-132.. ISSN 1392-0561
Abstract [eng] The article actualizes electronic information services provided by a library. In order to better meet the in­creased needs of the readers, we propose to use the Cloud Computing technologies. These technological solutions facilitate the libraries’ “survival” issues and make it possible to offer the next-generation e-services – virtual digital reading rooms. The paper discusses changes of the readers’ in­formation needs, the identified problems and chal­lenges of libraries. The author models the flowchart of the modern library in the Community Cloud by applying the IaaS and SaaS Cloud Computing ser­vices. The proposed library structure provides a vir­tual space as desktop, which is identified as a virtual digital reading room whose features and options for users are discussed. Lent control of digital editions is offered by the 3M Cloud Library program which is tested in the world practice. According to the pro­posed scheme, the modeled virtual Cloud Library ef­fectively meets consumers’ needs and has become a library as a third place online.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013