Title Elections in the public sphere: the analysis of Lithuanian TV debates "Lyderių forumas" /
Another Title Rinkimai viešojoje erdvėje: lietuviškų televizijos debatų "Lyderių forumas" analizė.
Authors Valiauskaitė, Aistė
DOI 10.15388/zt/jr.2011.4.1785
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Is Part of Žurnalistikos tyrimai.. Vilnius : Baltijos kopija. 2011, nr. 4, p. 166-188.. ISSN 2029-1132
Keywords [eng] Campaign ; Objectivity ; Parliamentary elections ; Political communication ; Professionalism ; President ; Promise ; TV debates
Abstract [eng] The article analyses the information that spreads in the media during the election campaign. It looks at the aspect of promises made by politicians through an academic lens. The definition of a political promise is explained; some insights are devoted to an analysis of the reasons why some promises are more commonly fulfilled. The paper mostly concentrates on the role of the media, combining ideas of media theorists with the investigation of pre-election TV debates “Lyderių forumas”.
Published Vilnius : Baltijos kopija
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2011
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