Title Dėl nesutrumpėjusių dvikamienių asmenvardžių kamieno gaud- variantų lietuvių kalboje /
Another Title On the variants of the personal names' unabridged stem gaud- in Lithuanian.
Authors Sinkevičiūtė, Daiva
DOI 10.15388/baltistica.48.1.2184
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Is Part of Baltistica.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2013, t. 48, Nr. 1, p. 119-128.. ISSN 0132-6503
Abstract [eng] Building on earlier work on the development of the personal names’ stems žyg-, vaišand dal-, this article aims to single out the unabridged variants of the personal names’ stem gaud- in the written sources, to evaluate their reliability, and to explain their formation. Most of the variants are found when gaud- is the second member of a composite name, where it is particularly common. The variants <gaud->, <golt->, <gavd->, <govdz->, <gavdz-> and, the most common one, <govd-> are self-evident and reliable, as the various renderings of gaud- are abundantly paralleled among other personal names. <kovd-> and <kavd-> are also variants of gaud-, as shown by parallels among other personal names and by the frequency of gaud- in texts of the same area. The existence of an independent stem gaut- based on <govt->, <golt->, <gavt-> and <gaut-> is controversial. The possibility that <govt->, <golt-> and <gavt-> are variants of gaud- is supported by the presence of variants with <d> in texts of the same area. The same holds for <gout->, but not for the rare <gaut->. The rare variants <gald-> and <galt-> probably arose through the influence of other personal names when the texts were composed. Although <gald-> is found in a place in which variants of gaud- are not otherwise attested, <galt-> is found beside personal names with gaud-, written with <d>. This supports the idea that <gald-> is a variant of gaud- as well.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013