Title Pоль языковой экономии в образовании словенских фразеологизмов (в сравнении с русскими) /
Another Title Role of the economy principle in language in the Composition of Slovenian phraseologisms (compared with those in Russian).
Authors Konickaja, Jelena
DOI 10.15388/SlavViln.2013.2.1431
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Is Part of Slavistica Vilnensis.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2013, t. 58, Nr. 2, p. 119-142.. ISSN 2424-6115. eISSN 2351-6895
Abstract [eng] Implication of additions in phraseologisms, leading to the derivation of structures with a broken syntactic relationship, is noted in both languages; e.g., Russian безо всяких, наша взяла, и никаких, прокатить на вороных, etc., the collocation ne reči ne bele ne črne, ne biti pri čisti, huda / tenka / slaba / tesna prede (komu), tristo kosmatih medvedov / hudičev etc. Forward pronominalisation may be considered as a separate case of the manifestation of the economy principle in a language, noted in expressions such as ima ga pod kapo (‘быть пьяным’, literatim “иметь его под шапкой”), pobrisati jo (‘убежать’, literatim “почистить ее”), dobiti jih (‘быть избитым’, literatim “получить их”). The paper covers the sight of different possibilities of explaining of the derivation of Slavic expressions taking into account the role of the economy principle in language.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Russian
Publication date 2013
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