Title Postkomunizmo transformacija: tarp liberalaus pliuralizmo ir demokratinės bendruomenės /
Another Title The transformation of post-communism: between liberal pluralism and democractic community.
Authors Valantiejus, Vaidotas
DOI 10.15388/SocMintVei.2013.2.3800
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Is Part of Sociologija: mintis ir veiksmas.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2013, t. 33, Nr. 2, p. 286-303.. ISSN 1392-3358. eISSN 2335-8890
Keywords [eng] post-communism ; liberal pluralism ; democratic pluralism ; differential nature of the political
Abstract [eng] The main task of this article is to analyze complex relations between post-communism and democracy. More specifically, it aims to understand the interaction of two different forms of society: holistic and pluralistic. The article argues that post-communism is the hybrid condition that includes the alter ego of communism, liberalism and postmodernism. The reflection of triple relations is necessary for the autonomy of post-communism. The relationship between post-communism and communism is analyzed as the problem of post-totalitarianism, between post-communism and liberalism as the problem of democratic liberalization, and between post-communism and postmodernism as the problem of pluralisation of pluralism.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013
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