Title Politinio spektaklio konstravimas posovietinėje erdvėje /
Another Title Constructing of political spectacle in post-soviet countries.
Authors Venckūnas, Valius
DOI 10.15388/zt/jr.2012.5.1802
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Is Part of Žurnalistikos tyrimai.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2012, t. 5, p. 145-166.. ISSN 2029-1132. eISSN 2424-6042
Abstract [eng] By using various works of media theoreticians, in the article there are analyzed processes and changes in the constructing of political spectacle (described by Murray Edelman) which appeared in media at the time of postsoviet transition. After disintegration of Soviet Union, new media systems developed in newly independent countries. Those systems are different from their welldescribed analogues in Western Europe or United States because of their individual circumstances. Post -soviet transitionhad three stages: breakthrough, reformation and stabilization, and different circumstances. Different circumstances during the process of those stages formed distinctive relations between media and government in various countries. During these processes two different media models emerged: free model and subordinated mode!. In countries with free model media was concentrated to the profit: quality and trust in media dropped and constructing of political spectacle be came less effective. In countries with subordinated model, power and influence served as a basis for the media; because of that media crisis became insignificant and forrning ofpolitical spectacle was formed to be more effective.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012
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