Title "Free Pascal" panaudojimas informatikos kursui /
Translation of Title Using Free Pascal for teaching informatics.
Authors DagienÄ—, Valentina ; Laucius, Rimgaudas
DOI 10.15388/LMR.2001.34503
ISBN 9986680212
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Is Part of Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys.. Vilnius, 2001. t. 41, spec. nr., p. 267-271.. ISSN 0132-2818. eISSN 2335-898X. ISBN 9986680212
Abstract [eng] Turbo Pascal is the main language used for teaching of algorithms in schools. However it is already outdated. Changes are needed. The paper discusses an alternative solution introducing Free Pascal into schools. The features of Free Pascal with respect to teaching of programming are analized. However the lack of acceptable interface with user remains the main obstacle to use Free Pascal for teaching purposes. The outline of a new interface designed for use in schools is presented. Problems of localization of Free Pascal and their solutions are presented as well.
Published Vilnius, 2001
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2001
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