Title Lietuvos pedagogų duomenų bazių analizė matematikos mokymo požiūriu /
Translation of Title The analysis of the Lithuanian teacher's databases in the scope of mathematics' teaching.
Authors Dzemyda, Gintautas ; Kurasova, Olga ; Šaltenis, Vydūnas ; Tiešis, Vytautas
DOI 10.15388/LMR.2001.34504
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Is Part of Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys.. Vilnius. 2001, t. 41, spec. nr., p. 272-277.. ISSN 0132-2818. eISSN 2335-898X
Keywords [eng] Modelling ; Data mining ; Neural networks ; Clustering ; Forecasting ; Education system ; Teachers of mathematics
Abstract [eng] In the paper we present the results of integrated analysis of data stored in the system of the Lithuanian teacher's database and of data from other sources representing the state of education system and the demographical changes in Lithuania. The research covers the analysis of dynamics of pedagogical staff and pupils, and the prognosis of tendency that have impact on the development of information society. Special emphasis is placed on teachers of mathematics.
Published Vilnius
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2001