Title Monitoring changes in heart tissue temperature and evaluation of graft function after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery /
Another Title Širdies audinių temperatūros stebėsena ir nuosruvių funkcijos įvertinimas kardiochirurginių operacijų metu.
Authors Lekas, Raimundas ; Jakuška, Povilas ; Kriščiukaitis, Algimantas ; Veikutis, Vincentas ; Dzemyda, Gintautas ; Mickevičius, Tomas ; Morkūnaitė, Kristina ; Vilkė, Alina ; Treigys, Povilas ; Civinskienė, Genuvaitė ; Andriuškevičius, Jonas ; Vanagas, Tomas ; Skauminas, Kęstutis ; Bernatonienė, Jurga
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Is Part of Medicina.. Kaunas : Kauno medicinos universitetas. 2009, t. 45, Nr. 3, p. 221-225.. ISSN 1010-660X
Keywords [eng] Thermography ; Ischemia ; Autovenous graft ; Coronary artery bypass grafting
Abstract [eng] Thermography is a relatively new contact-free method used in experimental and clinical studies and in cardiovascular surgery to investigate the myocardium and coronary artery function. Objects of complex study included mongrel dogs and patients with coronary artery disease who underwent cardiac surgery. For active dynamic thermography, we used a thermovision camera “A20V” (FLIR Systems, USA). Our data indicate that both experimental and clinical study performed on beating hearts could be an important approach to interoperation inspection of autovenous graft function. An infrared camera also can be successfully used to determine the extent of ischemic damage to the myocardium, heart, and blood vessels during surgery as a significant prognostic tool for evaluating outcome after cardiac operation.
Published Kaunas : Kauno medicinos universitetas
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2009