Title Progress on machine and deep learning applications in CMS computing /
Authors Bonacorsi, D ; Kuznetsov, V ; Giommi, L ; Diotalevi, T ; Vlimant, J. R ; Abercrombie, D ; Contreras, C ; Repečka, Aurimas ; Matonis, Žygimantas ; Kančys, Kipras
DOI 10.22323/1.327.0022
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Is Part of ISGC 2018 & FCDD. International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2018 in conjunction with Frontiers in Computational Drug Discovery, 16 - 23 March 2018, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.. Trieste : Sissa Medialab srl Partita IVA. 2018, p. 1-10
Abstract [eng] Machine and Deep Learning techniques are being used in various areas of CMS operations at the LHC collider, like data taking, monitoring, processing and physics analysis. A review a few selected use cases - with focus on CMS software and computing - shows the progress in the field, with highlight on most recent developments, as well as an outlook to future applications in LHC Run III and towards the High-Luminosity LHC phase.
Published Trieste : Sissa Medialab srl Partita IVA
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2018
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