Title Suaugusiųjų ūminės limfoleukemijos genominių veiksnių ir jų evoliucijos tyrimas /
Translation of Title Genomic aberrations and their evolution in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemi.
Authors Dirsė, Vaidas
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.8
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Pages 107
Keywords [eng] acute lymphoblastic leukemia ; SNP array ; next generation sequencing
Abstract [eng] Dissertation „Genomic aberrations and their evolution in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia” has two parts, which are very important in the modern oncohematology. In the first part of the research, we selected adult ALL patients in 2007-2013 year period. In this part we perfomed SNP array analysis and determined the frequency, type, size, location in the chromosome of the genomic aberrations in adult ALL. We detected new, recurrent aberrations, which could have potential clinical significance in ALL and identified new genes candidates in a population-based Lithuanian adult ALL cohort. Analysis of clinical data evaluated the genetic risk factors and their prognostic significance of event free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) in adult ALL. In the second part we detected clonal evolution of chromosomal aberrations and mutations in relapsed adult ALL and suggested the pathogenicity of these aberrations in biological pathways in adult ALL. Using single SNP array we have uncovered three distinct patterns of genomic evolution.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020