Title Atviro kodo virtualios mokymosi aplinkos taikymo bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje galimybių tyrimas /
Translation of Title The investigation of possibilities to use open source virtual learning environments in general schools.
Authors Jasutienė, Eglė ; Markauskaitė, Lina
DOI 10.15388/LMR.2004.31668
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Is Part of Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys. 2004, T. 44, spec, Nr, p. 281-286.. ISSN 0132-2818
Keywords [eng] Learning, virtual ; VLE ; Open source ; School, secondary
Abstract [eng] The paper anayses possibilities to adapt and introduce open source Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in general schools of Lithuania. First, it looks at general functions of VLE and defines its generic model. After that, the paper analyses four specific aspects of general education in Lithuania: National Currirula and Standarts, age range of learners, compulsory attendance of a school, and the level of ICT development in schools. On that basis, it decides, which VLE's functional requirements are the most essential. Later, the paper investigates and compares the main features of eigth worldwide popular open source VLEs. It looks, how the VLEs mach the needs of Lithuanian schools. It concludes that Moodle and Caroline software fit the best.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2004
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