Title Frequency of food allergy in school-aged children in eight European countries - the EuroPrevall-iFAAM birth cohort /
Authors Grabenhenrich, L ; Trendelenburg, V ; Bellach, J ; Yürek, S ; Reich, A ; Fiandor, A ; Rivero, D ; Sigurdardottir, S T ; Clausen, M ; Papadopoulos, N G ; Xepapadaki, P ; Sprikkelman, A B ; Dontje, B ; Roberts, G ; Grimshaw, K ; Kowalski, M L ; Kurowski, M ; Dubakienė, Rūta ; Rudzevičienė, Odilija ; Fernández-Rivas, M ; Couch, P ; Versteeg, S A ; van Ree, R ; Mills, Enc ; Keil, T ; Beyer, K
DOI 10.1111/all.14290
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Is Part of Allergy.. Hoboken : Wiley-Blackwell. 2020, vol. 75, no. 9, p. 2294-2308.. ISSN 0105-4538. eISSN 1398-9995
Keywords [eng] food allergy ; school-aged children ; EuroPrevall-iFAAM birth cohort
Abstract [eng] BACKGROUND: The prevalence of food allergy (FA) among European school children is poorly defined. Estimates have commonly been based on parent-reported symptoms. We aimed to estimate the frequency of FA and sensitization against food allergens in primary school children in eight European countries. METHODS: A follow-up assessment at age 6-10 years of a multi-centre European birth cohort, based was undertaken using an online parental questionnaire, clinical visits including structured interviews and skin prick tests (SPT). Children with suspected FA were scheduled for double-blind, placebo-controlled oral food challenges (DBPCFC). RESULTS: 6,105 children participated in in this school-age follow-up (57.8% of 10,563 recruited at birth). For 982 of 6,069 children (16.2%), parents reported adverse reactions after food consumption in the online questionnaire. Of 2,288 children with parental face-to-face interviews and/or skin prick testing, 238 (10.4%) were eligible for a DBPCFC. 63 foods were challenge-tested in 46 children. 20 food challenges were positive in 17 children, including seven to hazelnut and three to peanut. Another seventy-one children were estimated to suffer FA among those who were eligible but refused DBPCFC. This yielded prevalence estimates for FA in school-age between 1.4% (88 related to all 6,105 participants of this follow-up) and 3.8% (88 related to 2,289 with completed eligibility assessment). INTERPRETATION: In primary school children in eight European countries, the prevalence of FA was lower than expected even though parents of this cohort have become especially aware of allergic reactions to food. There was moderate variation between centres hampering valid regional comparisons.
Published Hoboken : Wiley-Blackwell
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2020
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