Title Complex susceptibilities and chiroptical effects of collagen measured with polarimetric second-harmonic generation microscopy /
Authors Golaraei, Ahmad ; Kontenis, Lukas ; Mirsanaye, Kamdin ; Krouglov, Serguei ; Akens, Margarete K ; Wilson, Brian C ; Barzda, Virginijus
DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-48636-w
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Is Part of Scientific reports.. London : Nature Publishing Group. 2019, vol. 9, art. no. 12488, p. [1-12].. eISSN 2045-2322
Keywords [eng] polarimetric second-harmonic generation microscopy ; collagen ; nonlinear imaging
Abstract [eng] Nonlinear optical properties of collagen type-I are investigated in thin tissue sections of pig tendon as a research model using a complete polarimetric second-harmonic generation (P-SHG) microscopy technique called double Stokes-Mueller polarimetry (DSMP). Three complex-valued molecular susceptibility tensor component ratios are extracted. A significant retardance is observed between the chiral susceptibility component and the achiral components, while the achiral components appear to be in phase with each other. The DSMP formalism and microscopy measurements are further used to explain and experimentally validate the conditions required for SHG circular dichroism (SHG-CD) of collagen to occur. The SHG-CD can be observed with the microscope when: (i) the chiral second-order susceptibility tensor component has a non-zero value, (ii) a phase retardance is present between the chiral and achiral components of the second-order susceptibility tensor and (iii) the collagen fibres are tilted out of the image plane. Both positive and negative areas of SHG-CD are observed in microscopy images, which relates to the anti-parallel arrangement of collagen fibres in different fascicles of the tendon. The theoretical formalism and experimental validation of DSMP imaging technique opens new opportunities for ultrastructural characterisation of chiral molecules, in particular collagen, and provides basis for the interpretation of SHG-CD signals. The nonlinear imaging of chiroptical parameters offers new possibilities to further improve the diagnostic sensitivity and/or specificity of nonlinear label-free histopathology.
Published London : Nature Publishing Group
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2019
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