Title Evaluation of hydration status calculated from differences in venous and capillary plasma dilution during stepwise crystalloid infusions: A randomized crossover study in healthy volunteers /
Authors Svensen, Christer H ; Stankevičius, Edgaras ; Broms, Jacob ; Markevičius, Vytautas ; Andrijauskas, Audrius
DOI 10.1016/j.medici.2014.09.007
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Is Part of Medicina.. Wrocław : Elsevier. 2014, vol. 50, no. 5, p. 255-262.. ISSN 1010-660X
Keywords [eng] Noninvasive hemoglobin ; Hydration status ; Crystalloid ; Interstitial fluid ; Mini volume loading test
Abstract [eng] Background and objective: A mini volume loading test (mVLT) was proposed for estimating hydration status and interstitial fluid accumulation during stepwise infusion of crystalloids. The method is based on both the transcapillary reflux model and the hypothesis that when subjects are dehydrated, venous plasma dilution induced by a fluid challenge is higher than in the capillaries, and that difference is diminished when the fluid challenge is given to more hydrated individuals. Our objective was to test that hypothesis by evaluating the venocapillary dilution difference during mVLT in subjects with different hydration status. Materials and methods: In a prospective randomized crossover study, three mini fluid challenges were given to 12 healthy volunteers on two occasions. The subjects were either dehydrated or hydrated before the experiments. Results: In dehydrated subjects only, capillary plasma dilution was significantly lower than venous (P = 0.015, 0.005 and 0.006) after each mini fluid challenge. Conclusions: Veno-capillary dilution difference during mVLT depends on the hydration status. The mVLT method could possibly discriminate between the different states of hydration.
Published Wrocław : Elsevier
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2014