Title Individo kompetencijų aprėptis žinių visuomenėje: problematikos apžvalga /
Translation of Title Global coverage of individual competencies in knowledge society.
Authors Gudauskaitė, Saulė
DOI 10.15388/Im.2008.0.3414
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Is Part of Informacijos mokslai.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2007, t. 42-43, p. 233-241.. ISSN 1392-0561. eISSN 1392-1487
Keywords [eng] knowledge society ; global coverage ; individual competencies
Abstract [eng] Global coverage of individual competencies in knowledge society Saulė Gudauskaitė Summary Globalization is a suggestive term, which is often used in various contexts to describe a phenomenon of a field in world wide view. The term discusses the process of national economies integrated into global economy. First of all, globalization is characterized as a measure of internationalization. Competence means a complex action system, which takes in knowledge, knowledge abilities, strategies, as well as emotions and attitudes in effective governance of the competencies. Modern social life appeals not by traditions, but by changeable, creatable and renewed reflective knowledge. All social actions are analyzed all the time and modified when its needed by information and knowledge we get. There’s a question, which knowledge is necessary in organization and which ones are even harmful? A competence is the ability to meet a complex demand successfully or carry out a complex activity or task. The problem is in defining and selecting key competencies, which draws into power relations, political decisions, national cultures or practical considerations. The relationship between the individual and society is dialectic and dynamic one as well as the content of a competence, which creates the most important value. The main questions in the article, which is part of doctoral thesis, are: what could I define as a competence, key competence for individual and how do employees evaluate their competencies in aspects of technology, novation, responsibility, life long learning and motivation?
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2007
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