Title Echoskopijos ir kompiuterinės tomografijos reikšmė diagnozuojant ūminį apendicitą /
Translation of Title The value of ultrasonography and computed tomography in diagnosing acute appendicitis.
Authors Šydeikienė, Raminta ; Dementavičienė, Jūratė ; Grigaliūnas, Aurelijus
DOI 10.15388/LietChirur.2003.3.2398
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Is Part of Lietuvos chirurgija.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2003, t. 1, Nr. 3, p. 236-244.. ISSN 1392-0995. eISSN 1648-9942
Keywords [eng] acute appendicitis ; ultrasound (US) ; computed tomography (CT)
Abstract [eng] Background / objective The purpose of our study was to determine the role of US and CT in differential diagnosis of suspected acute appendicitis. In most cases the clinical findings are reliable for correct diagnosis and emergent surgery due to acute appendictitis. Nevertheless, 20–30% of operation findings do not confirm the diagnosis of acute appendicitis (normal appendix is found). In some cases additional examinations should be done prior to surgery. Patients and methods Every year almost 750 patients with acute appendicitis are operated on at Vilnius University Emergency Hospital. 225 patiens were examined with US for suspected acute appendicitis in the period 2000–half 2003. In 193 cases (85.78%) patients were operated on. Sex: 101 F, 92 M. The age varied from 16 to 80 years. By CT, 43 patients were examined. In all cases helical unenhanced CT was performed, with collimation 8 mm and table feed 12 mm. In the cases when differential diagnosis was necessary, 50 ml of 300 g/ml J nonionic contrast material was injected i/v (by hand). Results For suspected acute appendicitis 225 patients were examined with US. In 193 cases (85.78%) patients were operated on. In 32 cases (14.22%) no emergent surgery was performed in our hospital. The disagreement of findings was in 44 cases (22.8%), where in 20 cases (10.4%) appendicitis catarrhalis and in 24 cases (12.4%) other pathology (coecum, colon tumor, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, adnexitis) were found. In 149 cases (77.20%) the diagnosis of acute appendicitis was confirmed, including phlegmonous in 82 cases (42.49%), gangrenous in 25 cases (12.95%), gangrenous perforated and appendiculas abscesses in 42 cases (21.76%). CT revealed acute or acute complicated appendicitis in 16 cases, no changes were found in 10 cases, other diseases were found in 17 cases. Conclusions Acute clinical presentation of the diseases in the right lower quadrant could be caused by a broad spectrum of pathologies.When clinical findings are doubtful, US should be performed. In the case when all data do not confirm the diagnosis, CT is necessary for additional information and correct diagnosis.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2003
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