Title Levas Vladimirovas ir senojo Vilniaus universiteto bibliotekos knygų grąžinimo peripetijos /
Translation of Title Levas Vladimirovas and the peripeteia of the book return of the old Vilnius University Library.
Authors Kažuro, Ina ; Grigonis, Evaldas
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Is Part of Sugrąžinta praeitis : [straipsnių rinkinys] / sudarytojai: Arvydas Pacevičius, Angelė Pečeliūnaitė... Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2014, t. 3, p. 54-76.. ISSN 2424-3477
Keywords [eng] Levas Vladimirovas ; Vilnius University Library ; book return
Abstract [eng] The authors make an attempt to elucidate and summarize activity of Levas Vladimirovas as Director of Vilnius University Library (further on referred to as VUL ) in 1956–1959 returning to Vilnius books which belonged to the old VUL as well as other institutions connected with the old Vilnius University and which were taken out in the first half of the 19th c. to Russia. L. Vladimirovas managed to get the books back from the four libraries of Soviet Union in Moscow, Leningrad (present-day Saint Petersburg), Kiev and Kharkiv, though in the 19th c. and in the beginning of 20th the books were allotted to yet more educational and scholarly institutions of the Russian Empire (such as Tartu and Kazan Universities, etc.). There has been an investigation carried out of two collections of the Rare Book Department (i.e., books of the restored old VUL – Bibliotheca Academiae Vilnensis – and collection of Old Slavic books) in the years 2011–2012 and an exact number of returned books was estimated. The article presents the results of this investigation.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2014
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