Title Pokyčių lyderystė savivaldybės administracijoje: Kelmės rajono atvejis /
Translation of Title Change Leadership in the Municipal Administration: the Case of Kelmė District.
Authors Račaitė-Samušienė, Vineta
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Pages 86
Keywords [eng] change leadership ; transformational leadership ; local government ; public sector.
Abstract [eng] The Master’s thesis analyses the leadership of change in the municipal administration. During theoretical research, an analysis of change leadership in the context of the evolution of leadership theories, presentation of the concept and main features of the concept of change leadership, analysis of the links and models of change leadership and transformational leadership, specificity of change leadership in the context of public sector institutions have been revealed. To achieve the aim of the research, a qualitative individual semi-structured interview method and questionnaire – access to mixed methods were chosen. An oral survey have been conducted with persons holding managerial positions (N=6) and written survey have been conducted with specialists from the Kelmė District Municipality Administration (N=70). The hypothesis (H1) that Kelmė district municipality administration employees evaluate their line manager as a leader differently depending on demographic and professional characteristics was confirmed – a significant difference was found, which showed that men rated inspiration motivation significantly better than women, and idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, and individual attention were statistically significantly better assessed by middle managers. Hypothesis (H2) that the employees of the Kelmė District Municipality Administration who have management experience evaluate the leadership of their immediate manager better than those who do not have this experience has not been confirmed. The results of the study show that there is no statistically significant difference in assessing whether an employee has performed the functions of a manager. Change leadership related to the concept of leadership through the fact that leadership is the most important factor that has a significant impact on the success of any organization or individual efforts to bring about change. Change leadership also called transformational leadership because it inspires followers to change their attitudes and behaviours, aligning their personal goals with the goals of the organization. Concepts relate through visioning, leadership, and a focus on change. It is important to note that change leadership focused on the implementation of specific changes, while transformational leadership focused on change in general. Public sector change leadership is a complex combination that exhibits the skills and outcomes of leaders, and politicians and bureaucrats at the same time fulfil their responsibilities and duties accordingly. Leadership for change has several important features in common across all sectors, but it also needs to be adapted to the exceptional context of public services. Leadership for change has several important features in common across all sectors, but it also needs to be adapted to the exceptional context of public services. Managers working in the Kelmė district municipality administration identify themselves as leaders, usually demonstrating elements of transformational leadership, such as inspiring motivation and intellectual stimulation. Managers are interested in the ongoing changes in the municipal administration, discuss them with employees, but the specialists themselves lack the initiative of managers, the introduction of innovations and the promotion of ideas. In an emergency, leaders act as leaders of change. The development of change leadership competencies would help the heads of the municipal administration to successfully implement changes, improve management results, and provide quality services to citizens. More and more services are being transferred to the electronic space, administrative burdens are being reduced, activities are being organized on a one-stop-shop basis, and documents are being digitized. Even budget cuts are challenging. Managers need to respond quickly and flexibly to changing circumstances. By demonstrating elements of transformational leadership, managers can reduce employee resistance to change.
Dissertation Institution Šiaulių universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020