Abstract [eng] |
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to analyse the location of the novels, as well as the dominant textual features, which are being used in the portrayal of characters, space and time. Both novels were examined applying the methods of interpretation and analysis. The research highlights narrative and descriptive text types to be the most frequent in Doriforė and Vėjas mano akys. Textual fragments, describing characters, time and space were collected from the novels. Designators of gender were categorised into 6 nominal rows of men and 7 nominal rows of women. Characters of Doriforė and Vėjas mano akys tend to be reffered to by their personal names (Ernestas, Odisėjas, Homeras, Amerika, Heinrichas, Heinis, Diana, Liza, Sonia, Sara, Penelopė), common nouns (šiknius, filologas, -ė, melagis, niekšas, turistas, primityvas, robinzonas, senis, valkata, benamis, sukčius, vokietis, moteris, būtybė, draugė, meilužė, senutė, sirena, barmenė, olandė, kekšė, prostitutė, mergina, kvaiša), many of which signify consanguinty (žentas, brolis, uošvis, žmona, motina), word collocations (sušiktas egoistas, Dėdė Henrikas, niūrus melancholikas, nykus tipas, senis Homeras, velnio Homeras, sumautas senis, mėsininkas brolis, telefoninė pažįstama, pamišėlė amazonė, Babilono kekšė, sena moteriškė, Liūdnojo vaizdo riterė, moteris su arkliašūdžio maišeliu, antidekartiško mąstymo įsikūnijimas (nickname of heroine Marija in Doriforė), ponia Marija, senutė Marija, durnė Marija, teta Rožė, laikrodininko žmona, baro savininkė), unordinary word collocations, e.g. žmogus-įrankių-dėžė, zoonyms (pelėda, kiaulė, asilas). Every personal name with nominal significance is substituted by personal and demonstrative pronouns jis, ji (jinai), tas. Different spaces were analysed, open (forest, city, island (hypothetical) and closed (an apartament and its rooms, funeral home, hotel room, kitchen, the foyer), spaces existing in reality (Greece and its island, USA). Investigation of the location in the novels reveals stylistic means, which are frequently used by the author: similes and hyperboles, meant to describe the different characters, zoonyms, expressing the author’s attitude towards the characters. |