Abstract [eng] |
Media impart information on political, social, economic, cultural events of social life. In this way media form the human conception of everyday world. In Lithuania there is analyzed the presentation of migration in press and internet portals. However in Lithuania there are no researches made on presentation of emigration on television. In this Master’s thesis it is aimed to reveal the dynamics of presenting emigration in broadcasts of Lithuanian television (2006-2010) and the peculiarities of creation of broadcasts on emigration. In the Master’s thesis J. Baudrillard’s simulation conception is being followed, which denies the idea of “real” world. The analysis of the Italian, Swedish, Indian, Japanese, German television experience revealed the national migration representation features. In the Master’s thesis TV broadcasts are analyzed as visual texts. There are applied procedures of U. Flick, Norman K. Denzin, H. Herman, W.Jahn and B.Hildenbran. For the analysis of emigration from the point of view of family stress R.Hill’s model ABC-X has been chosen. For the research of activity of broadcast authors there was applied the Map method (Irene Levin). The research of dynamics of emigration presentation in broadcasts of Lithuanian television revealed that until 2009 there was dominating a multidimensional representation of emigration phenomenon, since 2009 fragmented phenomenon analysis. The authors of broadcasts try to create the illusion of “reality” and apply the procedure for creating “reality”: talk to witnesses, experts. Since 2009 beside neutral sayings the rhetoric expressing evaluative position appears in speeches of broadcast participants, experts and presenters, conveyed experiences related not only with stress, despair, big joy but with uncertainty situation as well, broadcast is finished not only using generalizing sayings of the broadcast presenters in the beginning and end of broadcast but also giving rhetorical questions, appeared rhetoric justifying the emigration. The analysis of presenting emigration in TV broadcasts from the point of view of family stress revealed that the families of emigrants and families with parents abroad experience stress. In order to overcome inner stress evoked by the stressor the families of emigrants use psychological and social resources, families with parents abroad use resources in Lithuania and abroad. In purposive broadcasts families with parents abroad experience traumatic, mobilizing, concealed, dipolar stress. In specialized broadcasts represented families with parents abroad experience traumatic and mobilizing stress. During research of the activity of the authors of broadcasts “Emigrants” and “How are you?” there have been distinguished five models of authors of broadcasts describing emigration: existential model (emigration as the choice of life values); instrumental-cyclic model (emigration as operacionalisation); emotional model (emigration as disappointment); critical model (review of the concept of emigration in the context of global migration); alerting model (emigration as the entirety of dangers). The peculiarity of broadcast creation is revealed by the motives of creation and the four activities of the authors: selection of team, participants and topic; coordination of representation of positive and negative experiences; coordination of verbal and non-verbal representation; pattern of TV broadcast and the possibility of corrective intrusion. It was found that in TV shows on emigration there was developed the concept of families with parents abroad. The authors of broadcasts pointed out that direct communication with families affected that families with parents abroad were listed as a separate group, characterized by family characteristics. The authors of broadcasts “Emigrants” and “How are you?” are ready to continue the programs and does not alter the structure of their programs, because they realized the concept of the phenomenon of emigration. |