Abstract [eng] |
Lithuanian political journalism has a relatively short trajectory of its historical autonomy formation from the political field. More than a half of century political and journalistic fields was a unified institution of power. The relation between journalistic and political fields in Lithuania was totally transformed first, by democratisation processes in 1990 and second, by Mass Media commercialisation procesess in the end of XX century. The aim of this thesis was by using Pierre Bourdieu field theory to reveal the main models of the perception of political and journalistic fields‘ relation of Lithuanian Mass Media elite. The participants of the research was the editors-in-chief of the biggest and most popular Lithuanian mass media institutions: national daily „Lietuvos rytas“ and only-news portal lrytas.lt, only-news portal delfi.lt, national radio, commercial television TVnational radio, commercial television TV3, BNS news agency. The results of the research has shown that there exist three models of perceptions of Mass media elite about journalistic and political fields‘ relations. The first is 1) political journalism should be the player of the political field 2) political journalism should function as a civic institution 3) political journalism should be totally autonomous from the political field and absolutely neutral while providing production about the political field. The results also has shown that the reproduction of the values of the Lithuanian political journalism field is of the conservative mode. Although there are few good political journalists in the field ant there is also a huge lack of them, professional political journalists are leaving the field because of the pressures of the heteronomous pole of the field. Although there are no big restrictions for the young newcommers to enter the field here are no specific strategies to recrute the newcommers. |