Title |
Specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių asmenų smulkiosios motorikos funkcionalumo ir profesinei veiklai keliamų reikalavimų sąsajos / |
Translation of Title |
Links between the functionality of fine motor skills of persons with special educational needs and the requirements for professional activity. |
Authors |
Gerulaitis, Darius ; Žukauskaitė, Renata |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Specialusis ugdymas = Special education.. Šiauliai : VšĮ Šiaulių universiteto leidykla. 2013, Nr. 1, p. 32-40.. ISSN 1392-5369 |
Keywords [eng] |
functionality of fine motor skills ; requirements ; professional activity |
Abstract [eng] |
This article presents the diagnostics and linksbetweenthefunctionality of fine motor skillsof 15 persons who are preparing for work as hotel employee’sand the requirements raisedforthesuch aprofessional activity. Although research data (Strength categories) are analysed according totheInternational Industrial Standards Heightsfor physical abilities, they are analysedwith a view torecognisingindividual weaknessesin order to help to develop abilitiesthat are lacking and toandavoid potential stress and tensionin the prospective workplace.The research was conducted applyingErgosTM Work Simulator computer-based equipment;i.e., simulator of (physical)activeness intended for measurement of the person’s physical abilitiesnecessary for work activities.The analysisidentified that all15research participants were different but thelargest sharecorresponded toa weak level offunctionality offine motor skills when compared to therequirementsforthehotelprofession.An analysis ofthelinks betweenthefunctionality of fine motor skills andtherequirementsof the professional activity were revealed through implementingtests ofpincergraspand supination of theforearm. The most difficult tests were force tests of wriststretching and bending.Research must be analysed observingan individual approachusingconcrete case analysis aswell asthrough thecreation and application of individualmethods ofhealth promotion.Ifa researchparticipantdidnot perform the test or performed it very poorly, it did not mean that the personcouldnot work as a hotel employeeas the persondeveloped (compensatory)ways to perform work relatedtasks.This research is part ofLatvia-Lithuania Cross-Border Cooperation Project“Designing aModel Geared towards Participation of People at Social Risk Groups in the Labour Market”(MODPART) (Nr. LLIV-223). |
Published |
Šiauliai : VšĮ Šiaulių universiteto leidykla |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2013 |