Title Leidinių, skirtų asmenims, turintiems negalių, turinio metodologinis kryptingumas /
Translation of Title Methodological purposefulness of the content of publications for people with disabilities.
Authors Ališauskas, Algirdas ; Ališauskienė, Stefanija ; Kaffemanienė, Irena ; Miltenienė, Lina
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Is Part of Specialusis ugdymas = Special education : mokslo darbai.. Šiauliai : VšĮ Šiaulių universiteto leidykla. 2012, Nr. 2(27). ISSN 1392-5369
Keywords [eng] content of the publications for disabled people ; integration ; social participation ; empowerment ; equal opportunities
Abstract [eng] The article presents data from a qualitative analysis (content analysis) of Lithuanian publications for people with disabilities in respect of methodological purposefulness. One of the requirements for the publications addressed to disabled people is that their content must reflect the themes of social integration and equal opportunities: teaching, health, education, science, social welfare, culture, sports, environmental accessibility, engagement, vocational training, professional rehabilitation, employment and/or leisure. For the content analysis, periodicals published by associations and designed for target groups (e. g. people with disabilities due to visual, hearing, intellectual, mental and other disorders and illnesses) were accessed. The aim of the research is to answer the problem questions: what methodological provisions are promoted in publications, dedicated to people with disabilities? Is the content relevant and accessible to the target groups? The components of content analysis were chosen purposefully for a qualitative evaluation of the publications: nature of publication; specifics of the content (headlines, thematic sections); content’s relevant to the target groups’ needs, content’s accessibility in respect of language and considering the specifics of the publication, content’s compliance with the publishing requirements for the publications for the disabled persons.
Published Šiauliai : VšĮ Šiaulių universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012