Title |
Klaudijos Pauliukevičiūtės daktaro disertacijos "Moterų gyvenimo kokybės kitimas ambulatorinio depresijos gydymo laikotarpiu" (socialiniai mokslai, psichologija 06) recenzija / |
Translation of Title |
Review of Klaudija Pauliukevičiūtė‘s doctoral dissertation “Changes in women‘ quality of life during the outpatient treatment of depression“. |
Authors |
Gudonis, Vytautas |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
International journal of psychology: a biopsychosocial approach = Tarptautinis psichologijos žurnalas: biopsichosocialinis požiūris. 2010, nr.6, p. 121-127.. ISSN 1941-7233 |
Abstract [eng] |
The author of the review argues that dissertation is very actual and necessary in Lithuanian context, having theoretical and practical significance. The study enhances more nuanced understanding of the relations between health measured by the Quality of Life Questionnaire indicators and clinical peculiarities of depression, social and demographic factors. The study design is longitudinal and directed to examine dynamics in the Quality of life of patients with the diagnosis of depression. It attempts to better disclose the context of this disease: special attention is paid to the complexity of factors related to the clinics of depression and social influences. Another novel aspect of this study is related to the selection of a specific group of respondents (women in out-patient treatment of depression; most of them had never underwent the inpatient treatment). Some limitations and questions for discussion related to the severity of suicide problem in Lithuania are mentioned as well as practical recommendations of dissertation. |
Type |
Review |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2010 |