Title |
Skirtingų veislių kiaulių panaudojimo galimybės prekiniuose ūkiuose / |
Translation of Title |
The possibilities use of pigs different breeds in commercial farms. |
Authors |
Klimas, Ramutis ; Klimienė, Asta ; Rimkevičius, Stanislovas |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos. 2010, nr.3(19), d. 2. ISSN 1648-9098 |
Keywords [eng] |
Combinations of pig breeds ; Fattening an d meatiness traits ; Commercial farms |
Abstract [eng] |
On the 1st of January, 2009, the number of pigs in Lithuania was 897.100. Agricultural partnerships an d enterprises accounted for 62 %, an d farmers an d household for 38 % of a ll pigs. All category commercial farms are very important for development of commercial crossbreding ( hybridization) and production of pork. Beside Lithuanian Whites (LW), in the country are bred Large White ( La.W), Yorkshire ( Y), Landrace (L), Duroc (D) and Pietrain ( P) pig breeds an d their crossbreds. Thus, the breed of pigs an d current breeding system create favourable conditions for hybridization. The role of the institutions offering insemination services is very important in this field. Crossbreeding may be effective on proper combination of the traits of the chosen breeds. Hence, the efficiency of crossbreeding depens not only on the feeding and housing conditions, but also on the combination of the pig breeds. [...]. |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2010 |