Title Šiaulių universiteto Botanikos sode introdukuotų rododendrų tinkamumas auginti šiuolaikinio kaimo sodybose /
Translation of Title The su­itability of rhododen­drons in­trodu­ced at Botanical Garden of Šiau­liai University for cultivation at modern coun­tryside homesteads.
Authors Malciūtė, Aurelija
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Is Part of Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos. 2009, Nr.3(16). ISSN 1648-9098
Keywords [eng] Rhododendrons ; Introduction ; Tolerance to temperature ; Unfavourable wintering conditions
Abstract [eng] Rhododendrons are not native to Lithuania, but they are often cultivated at various public and private gre­en plantations. The main thing in most cases limiting cultivation of rhododendrons in green plantation is insufficient tolerance towards low and negative temperature. The intolerant plants after some winters lose their vitality, decorative qualities and they are not perspective for cultivation. According to the degree of frost damage to alien ligneous plants and generale cological conditions, the territory of Lithuania is divided into 4 regions. The Botanical Garden of Šiauliai University is in the region of Žemaitija uplands. This region is in the third place in Lithuania by the cultivation conditions for alien ligneous plants. Every year the following criteria are evaluated: a) general condition; b) tolerance towards low and belowzero temperatures; c) beginning and end of leafing; d) flowering duration and intensity; e) increment of annual shoots; f) suitability for cultivation in green plantations. The researches of such kind are carried out when the plants are leafed and bloomed, because in plants in intensive blooming period clearly appears amount of lesions made by positive and negative temperature. This kind of research allows to state that the majority of deciduous r hododendrons fully develop leaves at the end of May or at the beginning of June. The beginning of the vegetation period directly depends upon positive temperatures. The end of leafi ng for majority of rhododendrons is recorded at the end of October. Development of shoots in majority of rhododendrons starts at the first half of May and ends at the end of summer when generative and vegetative buds form. The period of flowering varies in different rhododendron species. In case of humidity shortage and high temperature, the flowering period becomes shorter. [...].
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009