Title |
Kūno kalbą reiškiančių žodžių ir žodžių junginių vertimas (pagal Jurgio Kunčino romaną "Blanchisserie, arba Žvėrynas - Užupis") / |
Translation of Title |
Translation of words and word collocations expressing non-verbal behaviour (J. Kunčinas’ novel “Blanchisserie, or Žvėrynas–Užupis”). |
Authors |
Būdvytytė-Gudienė, Aina ; Toleikienė, Reda |
Full Text |
Is Part of |
Filologija. 2008, Nr. 13, p. 17-26.. ISSN 1392-561X |
Keywords [eng] |
body language view ; source text ; target text ; equivalent |
Abstract [eng] |
The aim of the present article is to discuss those cases of translation of words and word collocations outlining non-verbal behaviour when there is a change in the visual basis of the word or collocation, to try to establish causes of the change and impact on the text of the target language. It was established that in Lithuanian and German languages translation difficulties of monolexemes and polylexemes (free collocations and idioms) encoding the non-verbal behaviour are caused by the variety of formal expression and peculiarities of semantic expression of this segment of lexis. In the translation of the above- mentioned novel, formal and dynamic equivalence strategies are employed by the translator. The cases when the translator succeeds in finding an equivalent lexical unit are not numerous. It was established that monolexemes and idioms expressing the non-verbal behaviour are not adequate in translation: monolexemes are often employed to encode the whole image of the non-verbal behaviour, while idioms show the non-verbal behaviour more in detail. Examples demonstrate that translation of a monolexeme by an idiom enriches the text with additional images, while translation of an idiom by a monolexeme often causes the loss of the non-verbal information. This is also proved by the cases of translation when an idiom is translated by a monolexeme which does not express the non-verbal behaviour. The translator distorts the reality of the non-verbal behaviour created in the source language. In some cases it is caused by the different systems of languages and peculiarities of the non-verbal behaviour, in other cases this can be explained by the lack of the translator’s competence and knowledge of different cultures. |
Type |
Journal article |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2008 |