Title Lietuvių kalbos denominatyviniai veiksmažodžiai ir greta jų vartojami pamatiniai žodžiai (tekstyno tyrimas) /
Translation of Title Co-occurrence of denominal and deadjectival verbs with their base words in modern Lithuanian (a corpus-based study).
Authors Pakerys, Jurgis ; Rimkutė, Erika ; Utka, Andrius
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Is Part of Darbai ir dienos.. Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto leidykla. 2012, 58, p. 81-92.. ISSN 1392-0588
Keywords [eng] Lithuanian language ; Baltic languages
Abstract [eng] This paper aims to study cases when denominal and deadjectival (further referred to as denominal) verbs co-occur with their base words, cf. atstov-au-ti ‘to represent’ ← atstov-as ‘representative’ both (1) where the base word precedes the derivative and (2) where the base word is used after the derivative: (1) [PIRMININKAS]. Ačiū. Komiteto atstovas ponas K. Dirgėla, kuris komiteto pavedimu atstovauja šiam dokumentui [...] ‘[Chair-man] Thank you. The representative of the committee Mr. K. Dirgėla who represents this document’. (2) Bet vis dėlto mes, patinka kam ar nepatinka, atstovaujam tautai, esam tautos atstovai ir formuojam tam tikrą politiką [...] ‘But nevertheless, whether someone likes it or not, we represent the nation, we are the representatives of the nation and we form certain policies’. In these excerpts, the speaker uses the same stem both as a noun and as a verb (with the corresponding derivational suffix) and, as Lipka (1987: 64) argues, the use of the constituents of complex lexemes in the preceding or the following co-text creates lexical cohesion and coherence. We started with a 1 million-word corpus of modern Lithuanian to test the methods of our study and then moved to an 82 million-word corpus. The lists of denominal verbs of both corpora were compiled and a text search application was developed to locate the cases when denominal verbs co-occur with their base words. To determine the size of the search window, we used a test list of denominal verbs with the suffix -au‑ti. The window size determines the maximum distance the base word may be found before or after the denominal verb. When the window was gradually increased, the number of cases of co-occurrences also increased until the window of 170 words in one direction (= 340 words in both directions) words was reached. At this point, the number of cases found somewhat stabilized. [...].
Published Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012