Title Strategies for translating pubilect from English into Lithuanian /
Another Title Vertimo strategijos taikomos paauglių kalbai versti iš anglų į lietuvių kalbą.
Authors Butkuvienė, Karolina
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Is Part of Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai = Journal of young scientists.. Šiauliai : Šiaulių universiteto leidykla. 2012, nr. 4(37), p. 163-170.. ISSN 1648-8776
Keywords [eng] Translation
Abstract [eng] The article addresses the issue of the translation of pubilect and aims to determine the major translation strategies employed for rendering adolescents’ language in a literary discourse. The paper points out that pubilect may be divided into the following categories: emotive, connotative and clique-coded language. In this analysis attention is paid to emotive language programming, which manifests itself in the use of swear words and other vulgarisms, interjections, vocatives and grunts, language “fillers,” language intensifiers, exaggerated language shown in tone and voice modulation, deliberately elaborated lexis, the use of vague words like “stuff”, “sort of thing” and “uptalk” strategies. The text used is Melvin Burgess’s novel for teenagers Junk, translated by Andrius Patiomkinas. The study results showed that the strategy of direct transfers and synonymy are the most common strategies used for translating pubilect. This shows that the linguistic situation is changing in Lithuania. The traditionally negative attitude of the community towards teen slang has started to liberalise, as is reflected in the translation of fiction for young adults.
Published Šiauliai : Šiaulių universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2012