Title Duomenų bazės Lituanistika plėtros gairės /
Translation of Title Database Lituanistika development guidelines.
Authors Bloveščiūnienė, Lina ; Marcinkevičienė, Rūta ; Kolesinskienė, Nijolė ; Štreimikis, Antanas
ISBN 9786094520181
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Is Part of Aukštasis mokslas: IKT diegimo projektai, konferencija, 2011 m. gruodžio 14 d., Kaunas.. Kaunas : Lietuvos virtualus universitetas, 2011. p. 1-11.. ISBN 9786094520181
Keywords [eng] Lithuanian studies ; Scientific assesment ; Research infrastructures
Abstract [eng] The International Research Database Lituanistika has been created since 2006 funded by European Union Structural Funds. On the 25th of August 2011 the three year financing and administration agreement of the continued project “Database Lituanistika” (project code VP1-3.1-ŠMM-02-V-02-003) was signed between the European Social Fund Agency and the Research Council of Lithuania. The article presents the main objectives, activities and developmental guidelines of the Database Lituanistika, which accumulates and disseminates verified, high quality information about Lithuanian studies carried out in Lithuania and abroad. Application of information communication technologies in this database, the correlations of this database with other information systems and activities of the Lithuanian Virtual University as well as the programme of the Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network is discussed in detail.
Published Kaunas : Lietuvos virtualus universitetas, 2011
Type Conference paper
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011